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Why we created the Maternity Program for you

Your 32BJ Health Fund team started this program after reading studies that showed how certain medical practices put mothers and babies at unnecessary risk. This is especially true in New York and New Jersey and for women of color.

The studies showed that:

  • Every year, 50,000 American women are harmed giving birth.
  • Women in New York State and New Jersey have more maternity-related health complications than the national average.
  • Your 32BJ Health Fund paid for episiotomies in more than 25% of deliveries. These surgical cuts to the mother should only be used in about 5% of cases because they can cause serious problems and add to mom’s recovery time.
  • Our members also had many more Cesarean (C-section) deliveries than the national and New York City averages. C-Sections are often unnecessary and can lead to complications for mom and baby.

We created the 32BJ Maternity Program with your health and safety in mind. We’ve chosen hospitals, doctors and other providers that offer high-quality maternity care and that want to help us deliver this great option for you.

To join the 32BJ Maternity Program, each hospital had to provide detailed information showing that they meet high standards for maternity care. The standards are set by state and national groups that measure the quality of maternity care.

To learn what you can do to have a healthier pregnancy, here are some tips from another expert source.

Tips for Healthy Maternity Care

An easy way to get important maternity information and health tips anytime is to watch the My Birth Matters short videos. This series of videos are the topics moms need to know to have a healthier pregnancy, labor and delivery.