Maimonides Medical Center (Brooklyn, NY)
4802 10th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11219
Phone: Please See Provider List
General Information
- Tours available upon request. Contact hospital to schedule.
- Visiting: A companion is welcome through the delivery and postpartum period. Please refer to for updated hospital policy regarding visitors.
Main Highlights / Resources
- High-risk maternal and fetal care: This is a Level IV Regional Perinatal Center equipped to handle the most complex maternal and fetal conditions.
- Obstetrician (OB) and midwife offices throughout Brooklyn.
- Doulas for labor, delivery and post-partum (For information, call the hospital: 718-283-7614)
- Hospital maintains the most annual births in New York City.
- All obstetrical staff receive lactation education to support breastfeeding. In addition, lactation consultants are available to support both staff and inpatients.
Other Features
- NICU app available to watch baby from anywhere