NYC Health + Hospitals/Elmhurst (Queens, NY)
NYC Health + Hospitals
79-01 Broadway, Elmhurst, NY 11373
(929) 296-4249
General Information
- Tours available upon request. Call hospital to schedule.
- Private rooms are available approximately 75% of the time.
- Visitor policies are reviewed frequently to ensure the safest possible environment and to comply with COVID-19 guidelines from the New York State Department of Health. All patients are allowed one support person to remain with them during labor and delivery and throughout the postpartum stay. For the most up-to-date visitor policies, please call the H+H 32BJ call center at 929-296-4249.
Main Highlights / Resources
- High-risk maternal and fetal care: This is a Level III Perinatal Center equipped to handle high-risk and more complex maternal and fetal conditions.
- Midwives available
- Baby-Friendly hospital*
- Free birthing classes
- Free newborn care, infant feeding and parenting classes
- Breastfeeding: free lactation consultant 7 days a week. Phone consults and breastfeeding support group after discharge.
- Centering Group Pre-Natal Care**
Other Features
- Dedicated phone line for 32BJ expecting parents
- Complimentary fruit basket
- Ronald McDonald Room Available 2021
* A special World Health Organization designation given to maternity facilities that have successfully implemented practices that protect, promote, and support breastfeeding.
** Group prenatal care designed to give women more time for instruction, health checks, and discussion with their providers and other patients.